Business is hard, and we all are so involved in our day to
day concerns. Our actions have direct consequences. But do we stop to really
care or take concern? When do we look to the outside to evaluate or see the possible
ramifications on our future? “Think of your
children.” has become an empty rant repeated in the “green” vernacular.
I went in with full vigor
and prepared. To the 3rd and 4th grade we were orienting
them to the different kinds of plastics and where and how to find the numbers.
We passed out all kinds of plastics and gave them a chance to identify the number on their item.
Great excitement filled the room as the discoveries were
made. We even put a few trick items in our collection. Each child that had
caught or gotten an item came to the front and got to put the item in the
recycling bin or the trash. We complimented and cheered as the kids figured it
out. Then one little boy came up and showed me his item, a bag that had contained dog food. He explained
that there was no number on his bag. I, of course, repeated that if it had no
number it was to go in the trash. He then said to me, “But it could be reused.”
What can I say? For all of us “Green folks” who have lost our way or the meaning of why we are doing what we are doing; I promise you, we are doing it for the children. And those adults who can’t seem to figure out the value or the ROI of this “green stuff,” move over, the next generation gets it, and they mean business.
Have a great weekend! It's coming soon.