BCC Again Offers Green Facility Training
In today’s economy, taking advantage of the cost savings associated with being a “green” business is important to a healthy bottom line. Many Berkshire County businesses have undergone energy audits and started recycling programs, but most facility managers and green leaders need help to institutionalize other sustainable practices.
To address that need, Berkshire Community College is again offering an intensive two-part workshop on “Green Facility Training for Operations and Management.” The class will be held on April 19 and 26 at BCC’s Intermodal Education Center in Pittsfield.
This training provides a comprehensive understanding of sustainability. Resources, information, and practical lessons from professionals will guide participants to complete a comprehensive facility assessment, develop an improvement plan, and conduct a site audit. Topics will include: source reduction; quantifying resource usage; green policy, purchasing, and marketing; immediate results; troubleshooting; and compliance, verifications/audits. Learn how to cut resources and not jobs. Green facility certifications, the new Green Meeting Standards and LEED EB Requirements are covered. Course tuition includes a subscription to on-line checklists and measurement tools.
For more information or to register, call 413-236-5251 or email elapierr@berkshirecc.edu. Berkshire Chamber of Commerce members are eligible for a 15% discount.
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