Friday, November 13, 2009
The Latest Recycling News From "Resource Recycling"
It appears as if a plan to boycott legislative action on the Climate Bill has backfired for Senate Republicans. The Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, also known as Senate Bill 1733, passed out of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on November 5th, thanks to a procedural loophole employed by Committee Chairman, and bill co-sponsor, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-California). Traditionally, minority party members of committees are required to be present for committee business to proceed.
While primarily focusing on climate change, emissions reductions and renewable energy, the bill also includes funding to promote and improve recycling, a provision of the bill currently being applauded by such industry associations as the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. Specifically, Section 154 of the current version of the bill authorizes the Environmental Protection Agency to establish a state recycling program that will govern the use of funds distributed to states through the legislation. States would then receive dedicated funds for county and municipal recycling programs, waste and recycling transport equipment, education and job training, funding for research and other state recycling initiatives.
Eleven Democrats voted for the bill — a majority of the 19 seats on the Committee — however SB 1733 is not out of the woods yet. Several groups, including the American Materials Manufacturing Alliance, the American Chemistry Council, the American Iron and Steel Institute and the Aluminum Association, have all expressed their concern over portions of the bill as presently written. Specifically, the groups would like to see more favorable emissions policies in the bill and steps to ensure the competitiveness of American-made products.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sullivan County - New Article VIII - Establishing a Solid Waste User Fee
§ 171-25 Short Title.
Article VIII of Chapter 171 of Part II of the Code of Sullivan County shall be known as the Sullivan County Solid Waste User Fee Article.
§ 171-26 Findings.
The Legislature of Sullivan County finds that:
A. The New York State Solid Waste Management Plan (the “Plan”) and the Solid Waste Management Act of 1988 (the “1988 Act”) mandates that the amount of solid waste generated and disposed in New York State be managed through the establishment of programs to reduce the amount of waste being produced and disposed by recycling and reusing that portion of the waste stream that feasibly can be so recovered.
B. To provide the citizens of the County with effective solid waste management and recycling services, the County has adopted and amended its Waste Management Plan and Rules, and has implemented a number of programs which provide services to all citizens of the County.
Since 1992, the County has provided County-wide solid waste management, including the mandate of source separation of recyclable materials from municipal solid waste, recycling and disposal services at the Sullivan County Landfill and at County owned and operated transfer stations, and the education of our citizens on the mandates of State and local laws and the benefits of recycling.
C. The County Legislature has determined as a matter of public policy that the cost of providing County-wide solid waste management services should be borne by all generators of solid waste and recyclable materials within the County of Sullivan.
D. The County Legislature finds that the County-wide solid waste management system has sufficient capacity to adequately handle all municipal solid waste, recycling and disposal services generated within the County.
E. The County Legislature has determined that substantially all solid waste is generated on improved parcels of real property
F. The County Legislature has determined that funding the entire cost of services and facilities by charging a tipping fee at the County’s solid waste facilities and ad valorem taxes has placed a disproportionate burden on the taxpayers of Sullivan County.
G. The County Legislature has determined that attempting to fund the entire cost of the County’s solid waste services and facilities by a tipping fee alone would be unworkable and unacceptable.
H. Therefore, the Legislature finds that the most equitable method of funding the cost of the County’s solid waste services is to charge a rationally based Solid Waste User Fee to the owners of all parcels of improved property within the County.
§ 171-27 Purposes.
This Article VIII of Chapter 171 of Part II of the Code of Sullivan County is enacted pursuant to the laws of the State of New York, including Municipal Home Rule Law Section 10(1)(ii)(a)(9-a) and County Law Sections 226-b and 266, to institute a plan to charge users of recycling, solid waste management and related services and facilities provided by the County, a fee for the use of such services and facilities, which fee shall cover a portion of the cost of the services being provided, and which fee shall be charged on an equitable basis, related to the level of recycling and solid waste services utilized by each class of users.
§ 171-28 Definitions and General Provisions.
In addition to the definitions set forth in Article II of this Chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings. In the event of a discrepancy in the definition of a term defined in both Article II and in this Article VIII the definition in this Article VIII shall take precedence.
A. Legislature means the County Legislature of the County of Sullivan.
B. Fees Status Date shall mean November 15th for each succeeding fiscal year (ex: November 15, 2009 for fiscal year 2010).
D. Recyclables or Recyclable Materials means materials that would otherwise be solid waste, and which can be collected, separated, and/or processed, treated, reclaimed, used or reused so that their component materials or substances can be beneficially used or reused.
E. Solid Waste means all putrescible and non-putrescible solid waste materials generated or originated within the County, including, but not limited to, materials or substances discarded or rejected, whether as being spent, useless, worthless, or in excess to the owners at the time of such discard or rejection or for any other reason; or being accumulated, stored, or physically, chemically or biologically treated prior to being discarded or rejected, having served their intended use; or a manufacturing by-product, including, but not limited to, garbage, refuse, waste materials resulting from industrial,, commercial, community, and agricultural activities, sludge from air or water pollution control facilities or water supply treatment facilities, rubbish, ashes, contained gaseous material, incinerator residue, demolition debris and offal; but not including sewage and other highly diluted water-carried materials or substances and those in gaseous form, or hazardous waste as defined in the New York Environmental Conservation Law or its implementing regulations.
F. Billing Unit or Units refers to the number of units assigned to each parcel of real property pursuant to §171-29 below and shall provide the basis for determining the fee charged.
G. Solid Waste User Fee Roll refers to the County Solid Waste Fee Roll which includes the assignment of Billing Units to each parcel.
H. Unit Charge means the dollar amount established by the Legislature pursuant to §171-29 below, as the annual Solid Waste User Fee charged for one Billing Unit.
I. Rate Schedule refers to the schedule adopted by the Legislature pursuant to Section § 171-29 below establishing classes and formulas for determining Billing Units for parcels of improved real property.
J. Solid Waste User Fee or Solid Waste Fee or User Fee means an annual user fee for use of any portion of the County’s Solid Management Facility which fee is to be determined in accordance with the provisions of this Article VIII and which fee is to be billed to and paid by the owners of each and every parcel of improved real property within the County.
K. Solid Waste User Fee Grievance Committee shall mean a committee comprised of the Deputy County Manager/Commissioner of the Division of Management and Budget, Treasurer and Commissioner of the Division of Public Works or their designees.
J. In the event that any date herein falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then the applicable date shall be the next succeeding date that is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.
§ 171-29 Establishment of Annual Solid Waste Fee.
A. The Solid Waste User Fee shall be charged to owners of improved real property located within the County since the owners and users of such property are deemed to generate solid waste or recyclable materials either directly or indirectly and are therefore users of all or a portion of the County’s Solid Waste Management Facility and services.
B. The Solid Waste User Fee shall be an annual fee covering the period from January 1 through December 31 of each calendar year.
C. The Legislature shall establish by resolution a Rate Schedule setting forth classifications or formulas for determining the Billing Units assigned to all parcels of improved property based upon the authorized use of real property.
D. The classification of parcels and the formulas for determining the Billing Units assigned to each class shall be based on the level of services available to such class, which has been or will be determined by the Legislature in its sole discretion.
E. Information regarding the use of each parcel of improved property and measurements of improvements shall be based upon the assessment records for each property together with such other data as may be deemed necessary to properly characterize and classify each parcel of improved parcel and to determine the number of Billing Units.
F. The Legislature may change the Rate Schedule from time to time by resolution.
G. On or before December 1st of each year, the Legislature shall, by resolution, establish the Unit Charge to be applied for the following fiscal year in calculating the annual solid waste fee to be charged.
H. The annual Solid Waste User Fee shall be charged to the owner of each parcel of improved real property based upon the classification of the parcel as of the Fee Status Date, the number of Billing Units assigned to such parcel (as set forth in § 171-30 below) multiplied by the Unit Charge established for the year.
§ 171-30 Preparation of Solid Waste User Fee Roll.
A. Each parcel of improved real property situated in the County shall be assigned to a class of parcels as set forth in the Rate Schedule based upon the use, as recorded by the assessor, of the parcel as of the Fee Status Date.
B. The Director of Real Property Tax, or such other County official or entity as may be designated by the County Manager, shall make a reasonable effort to ascertain the name of the owner, last known owner or reputed owner and the use of the parcel as of the Fee Status Date. The County shall prepare a Solid Waste User Fee Roll listing each parcel in the County, its owner, its property classification code, and the number of Billing Units assigned to it.
C. The Solid Waste User Fee Roll shall be completed on or before November 15. A copy shall be filed in the Office of the County Legislature and the Treasurer’s office. The Clerk of the County Legislature shall forthwith cause a notice of such filing to be published once in the official newspapers of the County. The notice shall state that a tentative Solid Waste User Fee Roll containing solid waste Billing Units established for each parcel has been completed and that a copy has been filed and may be examined by any person during regular business hours at the Office of the County Legislature and the Office of the County Treasurer.
§ 171-31 Billing and Collecting Fees.
A. An invoice for the annual Solid Waste User Fee shall be sent to each owner of real property as a separate line item on the County tax bill.
B. The Solid Waste User Fee shall be due January 1 and payable without interest or penalties by January 31, and payment shall be made to the local tax collector in person or by mail. The Solid Waste User Fee shall be collected by the local collectors at the same time and in the same manner as their collection of local taxes. County Law §§226-b, 266; Real Property Tax Law §1510.
C. All annual Solid Waste User Fees shall constitute a debt and personal obligation of the owner of the parcel of real property.
D. Any portion of a Solid Waste User Fee which shall remain unpaid after January 31st shall bear interest at the same rate and in the same manner as unpaid real property taxes.
§ 171-32 Challenges
Challenges to any Solid Waste User Fee may be made only as follows:
A. Any challenge to the data on the assessment rolls used in compiling the Solid Waste User Fee Roll shall be brought before the assessing authority at the same time and in the same manner as any other challenge with respect to an assessment of real property. In the event of any correction or adjustment resulting from such a challenge the Town and County shall remediate such error in the same manner as the correction of an error with respect to real property taxes.
B. Any challenge to the determination of classification or Billing Units by the County or any challenge to the imposition of the Solid Waste User Fee on a parcel of improved property may only be brought as follows:
i The property owner shall first have paid the subject Solid Waste User Fee.
ii The challenge provided for herein shall constitute to sole and exclusive remedy with respect to any claim that the determination of classification or Billing Units by the County was improper or any claim that the imposition of the Solid Waste User fee on a parcel of improved property was unlawful or improper.
iii The challenge shall be brought within six months of the payment of the Solid Waste User Fee.
iv The Challenge shall be brought before the County’s Solid Waste User Fee Grievance Committee whose determination shall be the final. Such final determination shall be subject to a judicial review provided such petition to commence such judicial review is filed and served within one hundred and twenty (120) days, as provided in Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules, of the date on which the challenger is served with the determination of the Committee.
iv In the event the Solid Waste User Fee Committee shall grant a challenge or grievance the property owner shall be granted a credit or refund, in the amount determined by said Committee.
§ 171-33 Delinquent Fees.
A. Any portion of a Solid Waste User Fee which shall remain unpaid on October 31st of any year shall constitute a lien on such property.
B. The County shall be entitled to commence a civil action to foreclose upon any lien upon property in the same manner and to the same extent as its ability to foreclose upon a lien for the non-payment of real property taxes, or accordance with any other provision of law or collect any amount due to it.
C. Any unpaid Solid Waste User Fee shall be subject to a two (2) year redemption period which period shall commence on January 1st when such unpaid fee first became a lien on the property.
§ 171-34 Severability.
If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part of this Article shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof involved in the controversy in which such judgment shall have been rendered and that rest and remainder of this Article shall be given the fullest extent possible, consistent with law and consistent with the intent of this Article as determined from the content of the entire Article.
§ 171-35 Effective Date.
The provisions of this Article VIII of this Chapter 171 of the Sullivan County Code and of this Local Law amending Local Law 1 of 1992 shall be effective immediately upon the filing of a copy with the Secretary of State.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
The implementation of gas drilling is being fast tracked. The number of opportunities to impact the outcome is dwindling. If all of us who get our water from as well as live in, and love the Catskills don't stand up now, the results are very likely to be catastrophic.
As Catskill Mountainkeeper has reported, the provisions of the Draft Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement (SGEIS) governing natural gas drilling issued on September 30, 2009, are woefully inadequate. The proposed regulations simply won't provide enough protection for the Catskills and the New York City water supply.
There is an unacceptable disregard for the potential public health issues that have been documented to be a byproduct of natural gas drilling. In part these come from the toxic chemicals that are used in hydro-fracking (the process by which gas is released from the shale rock formations deep underground). These chemicals are being knowingly injected into our air, drinking water and blood streams without our knowledge or consent. Unless we are able to effectively mobilize ourselves we appear to be setting ourselves up for a host of unparalleled multi-generational diseases and health afflictions.
Consider the following stories from nearby Dimock, PA., reported by Jon Hurdle at Reuters on Friday March 13, 2009:
When her children started missing school because of persistent diarrhea and vomiting, Pat Farnelli began to wonder if she and her family were suffering from more than just a classroom bug. After trying several remedies, she stopped using the water drawn from her well in this rural corner of northeastern Pennsylvania, the forefront of a drilling boom in what may be the biggest U.S. reserve of natural gas. "I was getting excruciating stomach cramps after drinking the water," Farnelli said in an interview at her farmhouse, cluttered as a home with eight children would be, while her husband, a night cook at a truck stop, slept on the couch. "It felt like an appendicitis attack." The family, which is poor enough to qualify for government food stamps, began buying bottled water for drinking and cooking. Their illnesses finally ended, and Farnelli found something to blame: natural gas drilling in the township of 1,400 people.
Ron and Jean Carter suspected there was a leak when the water supply to their trailer home started to taste and smell bad after Cabot started drilling 200 yards (meters) away. Not wanting to risk the health of a new grandchild living with them, the 70-year-old retirees scraped together $6,500 for a water purification system. "It was kind of funny that the water was good in July but after they drilled, it wasn't," said Ron Carter.
Tim and Debbie Maye, a truck driver and post office worker who have three teenage children, have been cooking and drinking only bottled water since their well water turned brown in November after Cabot started drilling. But she can't afford bottled water for her animals. Her cats have been losing fur and projectile vomiting because they lick drips from the spigot that carries water from their well. Her three horses -- one of which is losing its hair -- drink as much as 50 gallons a day. "I tell my husband, 'I'm going out to poison the horses,'" she said.
The Endocrine Disruption Exchange, a Colorado research group, has identified 201 fracking chemicals and found almost 90 percent had the potential to harm skin, eyes, and sensory organs; 50 percent could damage the brain and nervous system, and 29 percent may cause cancer.
Health issues, while critical are not the only concern. In addition to contaminated drinking water and air there will also be:
The tremendous disruption of our daily lives from hundreds of large tractor trailers traversing and damaging our roads
The invasive noise of drill engines that run 24/7 and sound like jet engines
The disruption of banks of klieg lights shining 24/7
The draining of many of our lakes, rivers, streams and aquifers
The destruction of our view shed
The inability of local medical and emergency services to handle the types of chemicals and other accidents associated with gas drilling
And the devaluation of property
Unfortunately this is turning into a war to protect your water, your way of life, your family's health and the value of your property - once gas drilling starts it's too late!
Insisting that our government is responsive to those who elect them and pay their salaries is a critically important principle of our country - and it works. Due to pressure from Catskill Mountainkeeper and other groups, the DEC has reversed their previous position and is now presenting public hearings where the public can make comments for the record. See the schedule below. Please come, educate yourself and be prepared to make comment for the record.
10/28/2009 - Loch Sheldrake - Sullivan County Community College E Building, Seelig Theatre; 112 College Rd, Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759
11/10/2009 - New York City - Stuyvesant High School High School Auditorium,345 Chambers St, New York, NY 10282
11/12/2009 - Chenango Bridge - Chenango Valley High School High School Auditorium; 221 Chenango Bridge Rd, Chenango Bridge, NY 13901
TBD - Elmira/Corning
Doors will open at 6:00 PM for individual questions and speaker sign up.
Public comments session will start at 7:00 PM.
Catskill Mountainkeeper is not a radical organization nor are we normally given to using such strong language, but this is an incredibly important issue where the public's best interest is not being met. This is not a time when you can stand on the sidelines. The price that you will pay is too high.
Help Mountainkeeper lead the fight. Click here to make a secure online donation.
About Catskill Mountainkeeper
Catskill Mountainkeeper is a member based advocacy organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the long term health of the six counties of the Catskill Region. As a representative face of the Catskills, we strive to be the eyes, ears and voice that look at issues, listen to concerns and speak on behalf of people who live, work, and recreate here. Recognizing strength in numbers, we organize concerned citizens to protect existing jobs and industry, take care of abundant but exceedingly vulnerable natural resources, and help to utilize available and often unclaimed local, state, and national funds to prevent and cushion the impact of natural disasters.
For More Information:
Contact Catskill Mountain Keeper
The New York Times asks for ban
on gas drilling in NYC watershed.
http://www.damascuscitizens. org/nytimes.html
NYC Council hearing for resolution
to ban gas drilling in watershed.
http://www.damascuscitizens. org/reuters.html
Sierra Club Atlantic calls for ban
on drilling in New York State.
http://www.damascuscitizens. org/news.html
http://www.damascuscitizens. org
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Guess how much trash the average hotel guest throws away every day?

About two pounds — more than half of that paper, plastic, cardboard and cans that those same guests probably recycle at home. Yet according to a 2008 survey by the American Hotel and Lodging Association, just 40 percent of hotels have a recycling program.
While some hotels sort and recycle guests’ trash after it leaves the room, hospitality executives say starting an in-room recycling program is a lot more complicated than simply placing blue bins under the desks.
“It’s challenging,” said Brian McGuinness, a senior vice president at Starwood Hotels and Resorts, which offers in-room recycling at its Element hotels and plans to introduce similar programs at other brands by the end of 2010. “These initiatives sound easy in theory, but in practice it’s quite a different story.”
Housekeeping carts have to be modified to keep recycled materials separate from other trash, workers have to be trained in new procedures that may involve union negotiations and the recyclables often have to be sorted and stored at the hotel before being taken away — but not too far away.
Mr. McGuinness said Starwood required that the recycling center “be within a 50-mile radius of any given property” and noted that some Starwood properties would therefore be exempt from the requirement. “Otherwise, we’re hauling recycling materials in a truck burning fuel for 80 miles.”
Even educating guests about sorting their trash is not a simple matter, since recycling is one of those chores that often falls by the wayside on a trip, much like exercising or making the bed. Still, more hotels are offering recycling options, in part because surveys indicate environmentally friendly practices matter to guests.
“Doing in-room recycling is important because the guest sees that,” said Pat Maher, a former hotel executive now serving as a environmental consultant to the American Hotel and Lodging Association. He said younger guests, in particular, often asked via Twitter or other channels why a hotel did not offer recycling containers.
Besides burnishing their green image, hotels also have the incentive of reducing how much they spend to haul away regular trash. By removing paper, plastic and other recyclables from the garbage, hotels can trim their waste disposal bill by as much as 50 percent, Mr. Maher said — a significant savings in cities where trash removal is expensive.
“In New York City, it’s not unusual to have a $100,000-a-year waste bill, and if you can cut that by $50,000 that’s a big deal to the operator of a hotel,” he said.
But the savings is likely to be more modest at smaller properties in less expensive locations. Mr. McGuinness said Element was currently breaking even on the recycling program at its properties. And Kimpton Hotels, which has offered in-room recycling since 2004, estimates its total savings is about $267,300 a year.
“Just cardboard recycling alone ranges from $12,000 to $20,000 a year in savings,” said Niki Leondakis, chief operating officer for Kimpton, which reduces its trash at its 47 hotels by more than 40 percent through recycling.
“What’s happening in each individual city drives our practice,” Ms. Leondakis said. “In some cities, we’ve had to work with legislators to help get recycling programs started.” One trend that may make the sorting process less of a chore is “single stream” recycling, which refers to municipalities with recycling centers that can automatically separate paper, plastic, aluminum and glass.
Hotels are also focusing on reducing the amount of waste that needs to be recycled, with newspapers among the targets for elimination.
In April, Marriott International announced that it would no longer deliver newspapers to every guestroom in the morning; guests can request a paper or pick one up in the lobby. Although that shift is arguably as much about saving money as it is about saving trees, Marriott estimated it would reduce newspaper distribution at its hotels by about 18 million papers annually.
And Starwood has installed bath-amenity dispensers in the showers at its Element and Aloft hotels, reducing waste from tiny plastic bottles of conditioner and shampoo. But this seemingly simple shift created its own challenges.
“Even the design of the shampoo container was a large initiative for us,” Mr. McGuinness said, explaining that the dispenser had to be lockable (to prevent guests from helping themselves) and the viscosity of the shampoo had to be adjusted so it did not drip.
A bigger challenge seems to be finding an alternative to all the plastic water bottles guests rely on when they travel. Element hotels have a separate tap with filtered water in the bathroom, one of the advantages of building a new hotel with environmentally sensitive design.
But other brands have had mixed results in weaning guests from their bottled-water habit.
“People like their water bottles — they don’t want to give them up,” said Lori Holland, a spokeswoman for Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, which has experimented with offering guests carafes of filtered water instead. In some cases, guests have taken the carafes. Other objections include concerns about the cleanliness of the glassware and a preference for having a bottle of water to take to a meeting — one of the conveniences guests expect when they travel.
“I think that’s the conundrum with operating green but operating as a hotel,” Ms. Holland said. “At what point do you deliver your luxury hotel experience, but also balance that with acting responsibly?”A version of this article appeared in print on October 6, 2009, on page B6 of the New York edition.
President Obama calls for 50 percent diversion rate by 2015
Ahead of the above proposed legislation, President Obama's Executive Order 13514, "Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance," calls on each U.S. government agency to study its greenhouse gas emissions and set targets to reduce them by 2020. The order includes such environmental targets as a 50-percent recycling and waste diversion by 2015 and using printing and writing paper containing at least 30-percent post-consumer content.
The order further defines that "diversion" mean redirecting materials that might be sent to landfill be redirected to recycling or recovery, "excluding diversion to waste-to-energy facilities."
Each federal agency must, within 90 days of the issuance of the report, establish and report to the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget a percentage reduction target for agency-wide greenhouse gas reductions, with further reductions and plans to follow.
Reported in Resource Recycling, October 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
October Trainings from HospitalityGreen

Sustainability Programs for Fall 2009
An Introduction for Leading Sustainability Initiatives
Employees, concerned citizens and consultants interested in serving as change managers and facilitators to undertake and participate in environmental sustainability initiatives, and individuals and/or employees looking to reposition themselves as Sustainability Directors or Green Team Facilitators within an organizational structure
This course will provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to identify, coordinate, implement and direct environmentally sustainable initiatives. Topics to be addressed include: sustainable operations (e.g., waste and chemical management); the built environment and new construction; environmentally preferable purchasing and supply chain management; and resource conservation and community partnerships.
5 sessions • $380
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) Orientation and Workshop
Objective: To provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to research, bid, contract and implement an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) program. Any organization that wants to “go green” must pay attention to the products and services that are consumed as part of its daily operations. Participants in this program will learn how to: assess the products and services used in their company; find and evaluate information about green products and services; identify federal, state and other regulations on green purchasing; calculate the costs and benefits of purchasing choices; and design, implement and manage green purchasing processes.
Target audience: Facility managers, cleaning and maintenance managers, purchasing agents, or other individuals responsible for implementing a sustainability or EPP program
Schedule: Mon, Oct 19 - Nov 16 •
5 sessions • $380
See Blog Profile and or
Your tuition includes:
One year of access to Hospitality Green’s website and access to industry e chats.
All course materials are on the web site.
A resource library on environmental sustainability,
Tools needed to undertake an environmental assessment and audit, and to maintain the baseline data
Tools to measure improvement and set goals;
A Sustainability or EPP Green Team Workbook. These customized binders will serve as performance support tools for individuals implementing initiatives after the class.
To register or for more information, contact the SUNY school of your choice:
A key component of Consortium programming is that students who attend any of the four colleges can remain at their “
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hospitality Green provides Green Meeting Planning and Certification at CWC's Local Government Day.
HospitalityGreen, green meeting consultant for CWC is collaborating with Belleayre management and its food service purveyor, Boston Concessions, to address potential areas of waste and redundancy at Local Government Day.
As well, HospitalityGreen will provide an on site Green Concierge who will verify the intended green meeting standards and provide a 3rd party certification and a data matrix for CWC's sustainability record keeping.
For further information contact:
We look forward to meeting you at Local Government Day
Registration now open for Local Government Day
MARGARETVILLE, September 1, 2009 – Registration is now open for the Ninth Annual Catskills Local Government Day, to be held Thursday, Oct. 15 at Belleayre Mountain Ski Center.
The Catskill Watershed Corporation will sponsor the event, whose theme this year is “Climate Change Made Local.” To see the agenda and register electronically, go to Registration materials may also be obtained by calling toll free 877-WAT-SHED, or 845-586-1400.
Elected and appointed government officials and employees, economic and environmental planners, and interested community members are welcome to attend. Space is limited; registration deadline is October 9. A $10 fee includes all presentations and workshops, as well as lunch.
The event will feature presentations on the science of climate change along with discussions of its potential impacts on municipal and community infrastructure and on the economy of New York and the Catskills. Examples of area municipalities that have already taken steps to address flooding hazards and insurance costs, reduce energy use and minimize their carbon footprints will be highlighted.
Members of planning and zoning boards may wish to take advantage of a two-hour training session on “Promoting Climate Protection Through Land Use Tools.” A workshop for town board members, highway department heads and other municipal officials will focus on examining the vulnerability of community infrastructure – from buildings and parks to sewer plants, water systems and street lights. “Green Means Business” will look at how businesses can save money using sustainable practices, and the potential for jobs in the renewable energy field.
The featured lunchtime speaker, Mimi Katzenbach, will explain the Transition Movement by which communities work towards locally-based energy, economic and social systems – not unlike the Catskills of the pre-World War II era -- as a strategy for meeting a future of weather extremes, fossil fuel depletion and other challenges.
Local Government Day is being planned with the environment in mind. Promotion, outreach and registration are being handled electronically to reduce paper consumption. Those unable to register online will receive materials printed on 100% recycled paper. To encourage car pooling to the conference, CWC will give bottles of local maple syrup to all those who arrive in vehicles occupied by two or more people.
Belleayre Ski Center, the venue for the event, has been working diligently for the past few years to cut resource and energy consumption and to recycle waste. Attendees will have an opportunity to view plans for the new “green” lower lodge being planned at the state-run facility.
The CWC is a non-profit organization based in Margaretville. It is committed to protecting water resources, encouraging environmentally friendly economic development and supporting watershed education in the five-county New York City Watershed west of the Hudson River.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Denise Frangipane at 845-295-2443 or
Sponsored by the Conservation Education Network
MONTICELLO – A “do it yourself” workshop on energy and resource conservation is being held on Sunday, June 28 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Ted Stroebele Neighborhood Facility in Monticello. The program will feature simple and cost effective ways for homeowners to upgrade their homes to save money and valuable resources.
This is the second in a four-part series of workshops presented by the Sullivan County Conservation Education Network. The program presenters will provide “how-to” resources for families and individuals who want to take specific and practical steps to make their homes and businesses more sustainable, lower their carbon footprint, and save money.
Peter Vargo of Nu-Tech Energy Solutions in Lackawaxen, PA will explain what homeowners can do for energy and water conservation in their existing, new or remodeled homes. A representative of SPECS will outline what can be done to reduce waste at home or in the workplace. Evadne Giannini of HospitalityGreen in Mountaindale, NY, will talk about third party certifications like Green Seal for validating safe, environmentally preferable cleaning products and household chemicals, versus green marketing chatter.
The program is free and open to everyone. Refreshments will be provided. The public is encouraged to pre-register by calling 845-482-5400.
Other programs offered by the Conservation Education Network at the Ted Stroebele Neighborhood Facility will include:
· “Community Power” on Sunday, August 23 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. – Some projects are bigger than an individual or business – wind energy, solar panels on public buildings and hydro-electric dams. Learn the basic steps needed for a community to lower its collective carbon footprint and control its own power.
· “Heating Your Home” on Sunday, October 25 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. – As winter approaches, thoughts turn to cold winds and snow. New technologies allow homes to be heated by using geo and hydro-thermal systems, space heaters and wood. A serious look at staying warm economically.
The Sullivan County Conservation Education Network is an inclusive partnership that uses education to promote a sustainable environment and commerce. Members include: Bashakill Area Association; Catskill Mountainkeeper; Delaware Highland Conservancy; Sullivan Alliance for Sustainable Development; Sullivan County Department of Planning and Environmental Management; Sullivan County Office of Sustainable Energy; SPECS (Special Protection of the Environment for the County of Sullivan); and Sullivan Renaissance.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Schedule of Events for May 2 and 3
Saturday and Sunday, May 2 and 3
Stretch the Body and the Mind.
Free Yoga Classes 9 am and Noon with Janet Gula; Refreshments, Talk and Demo with Environmental Consultant Evadne Giannini, 11-Noon: Save Money, Energy, and the Planet, Saturday; and Clean Composting Sunday. Walk the Outdoor Mountaindale Meditation Labyrinth. Donation for Refreshments and Talks $5/day to benefit Sandberg Creek Nature-Trail Renaissance Project. On the Mat in Mountaindale Yoga Studio, 63 Main Street, CR-55, Mountaindale, NY 12763. To register (845) 436-1277.
Saturday, May 2
Move and Groove. Family Zumba!
Free family Zumba Class -- dance/aerobics with a Latin/World beat. 5-6 pm, 62 Main Street, CR-55, Mountaindale, NY 12763. Call (845) 434-4747 to register.
Saturday, May 2
Delicious Music and Desserts.
Coffeehouse. Accoustics with Dennis Newberg and Keith Newman; Folk by Alan Sorensen and special guest, 7-9 pm.Suggested Donation: $5 for coffee and desserts benefits the Sandberg Creek Nature-Trail Renaissance Project. 62 Main Street, CR-55, Mountaindale, NY 12763. Call (845) 434-4747 for information.
Please Contact Janet Gula, 845-434-4747 so that we can plan accordingly.
Hope to see you there and enjoy!!!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Facility Manager's Green Training

Facility Manager
“Green”Training and
A new, two-part program for facility managers to better understand sustainability and to take advantage of the cost savings associated with becoming a “green” business.
Part I:
Six-week training program to certify facility managers in operating
a “green” business.
Resources, information, practical lessons and applications from field professionals will be provided for participants to complete a comprehensive facility assessment, develop an improvement plan, and conduct a site audit. Topics will include: source reduction, carbon calculations, green policy, green purchasing, marketing green, contractual negotiations, troubleshooting and compliance, green assessments and audits.
Part II:
Sustainability Implementation Workgroup (SIW)
SIW team members will implement the individually tailored sustainability plan for his/her business. The SIW acts as a support network, meeting once a week for six weeks to explore, resolve issues and implement sustainability practices including waste elimination, energy efficiencies, sustainable procurement practices, improvements to company culture and employee training and motivation.
Part I:
Dates: Tuesdays, 3/31 –
Fees: $400**
Location: B129
Part II:
Dates: Tuesdays, 5/19 – /16/2009
Times: 10:00-11:30Fees: $800 per company
(Each company/facility can bring up to 3 participants to each session)
Location: B129
** Facility managers from companies/facilities in Sullivan are eligible for scholarships. Sustainability is important to all industry sectors, the Sullivan County Workforce Investment Board has made funding available to all Sullivan County businesses and municipal services.Participants are eligible for a 100% reimbursement of course fees upon successful completion of the two step program.
Space is limited. Please register by
For More Information:
The Office of Workforce Development, Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning
Phone: 845-434-5750 x4398
According to a study by the Zero Waste Alliance of Portland, OR
Statistics showed that hotel waste consisted of the following:
- 46% food waste
- 25.3% paper
- 11.7% cardboard
- 6.7% plastics
- 5.6% glass, and
- 4.5% metals
Hospitalitygreen can help you attain a goal of zero-waste.