School districts around the country are notorious wasters of energy. With budgets tighter than ever, many institutions are finding ways to cut back on their excess energy usage.
Holmdel, New Jersey has saved close to $1,000,000 each year though improvements in energy efficiency. With the help of the district’s Energy Manager, William Balicki, the school has made some simple, but effective improvements, to remind students and staff of ways to save energy.
“Anytime we can ask people to physically do it, we do,” he said. “This is pretty much a people-based program. It’s changing behavior.”
Mount Sinai and Yonkers, among other school district, have also found quick, easy, ways to decrease energy spending such as turning off computers overnight and turning off classroom lights when the room is not in use.
For the full article, please visit: http://nyti.ms/pCYy5T
HospitalityGreen (HG) will be offering a “Green Facility Managers Training” for managers and operators to learn how to evaluate and implement sustainable practices in two Massachusetts locations, Pittsfield and Holyoke.
"Green Facility Training for Operations and Management" will be offered at Berkshire Community College’s Intermodal Education Center in Pittsfield on Wednesdays, Sept. 7 and 14, from 9am to 5pm. The course, “Green Facilities Training for Managers,” will also be offered at Holyoke Community College on Sept. 8 and 15, from 9am to 5pm.
The workshops will look at practical approaches to comprehensive facility assessments, developing an improvement plan and conducting a site audit. It will cover topics such as source reduction and usage, purchasing and marketing, contractual negotiations and green assessments. Green meeting standards and the LEED EB program will also be discussed.
The courses use the framework of a national certification program to teach participants how to implement water, energy and source reduction programs, lower their use of toxic chemicals, and source local "green" products and services.
HospitalityGreen (HG) offers an extensive tool box equipped with proprietary measurement and calculators tools as well as access to on line references, guide books and on site check lists through a customized class website. All participants are given a 12-month subscription to the HG Tool Box as part of the training fee.
For information and registration, please contact Mimi Fierle at HospitalityGreen,
(845)-436-6173 or Training@HospitalityGreen.com